Idiotic Media | How much does Preksha Rana charge for one Instagram post?

How much does Preksha Rana charge for one Instagram post?

Explore the fascinating world of Preksha Rana, where creativity is unrestricted and melody and motion blend. Preksha is a dynamic vocalist, dazzling dancer, and Instagram influencer who captivates audiences with her exceptional talent, infectious energy, and undying dedication for the arts. Join us as we explore the wonder of this dynamic performer.

With a natural talent for melody and rhythm, she immediately discovered her voice as a singer, capturing audiences with passionate performances and emotional storytelling. Her innate ability for dancing blossomed at the same time, as she refined her talents in a variety of dance disciplines, captivating audiences with her grace, accuracy, and limitless energy.

Harmony in Motion: Unveiling the Multifaceted Talent of Preksha Rana

Preksha Rana’s abilities as a singer, dancer, and influencer have gained her considerable respect and admiration among fans and peers. Preksha’s skill knows no limitations, from her soul-stirring singing performances to her electric dance routines, making an indelible mark on everyone who are fortunate enough to witness her work.

As an Instagram influencer, Preksha Rana smoothly combines her passions for music, dance, and art, enthralling her audience with each post. Preksha’s content, whether it’s sharing glimpses of her musical journey, delivering dancing instructions, or promoting happiness through motivational words, connects intimately with her followers, pushing them to embrace their passions and chase their ambitions courageously.

Rhythm and Rhyme: The Journey of Preksha Rana as a Singer, Dancer, and Instagram Influencer

Preksha Rana is a collaborative soul who enjoys exploring new artistic possibilities. Preksha’s creative initiatives are limitless, ranging from collaborating with fellow artists and dancers to working with brands that share her ideals. With each collaboration, she pushes the frontiers of creativity, resulting in unique experiences and profound connections with her audience.

With her unlimited imagination, irrepressible energy, and unwavering dedication to her profession, she is poised to make an everlasting imprint on the entertainment business and beyond. Preksha’s fame continues to rise, whether she’s on stage with her riveting performances or giving joy and inspiration on social media, illuminating the path for budding artists and influencers alike.

Instagram reel- 2lac – 5lac

Instagram story- 90k- 3lac

Instagram static- 1lac – 3lac

Instagram carousel- 90k – 4lac

Let’s Collaborate with Preksha Rana


Trivia or Amazing Facts About Preksha Rana

  • She makes most of her videos alone.
  • She wants to be an actress.
  • She loves to travel.