Idiotic Media | How much does Kia Gupta charge for one Instagram post?

How much does Kia Gupta charge for one Instagram post?

Kia’s digital path is a kaleidoscope of creativity, and she defies the stereotype of a traditional influencer. Kia’s professional trajectory, from her early days to the present, demonstrates her ability to curate content that appeals to a wide range of audiences.

Kia’s Instagram account is a visual tale, combining flair, humor, and unashamed glamour. Each post is a meticulously planned work of art, exhibiting not just her fashion sense but also a distinct look into her personality. Kia’s material is a vivid blend of high fashion, accessible experiences, and a dash of unique comedy, creating a digital refuge for her fans.

“Kia Gupta: Navigating the Quirky Realms of Instagram”

Beyond the pixels, Kia’s content is infused with an effervescent blend of oddity and charm. Her captions are more than just descriptions; they are bits of her story that draw readers into her universe. Kia’s attractiveness stems not only from her exquisite fashion sense but also from her ability to relate personal experiences and oddities, resulting in an honest connection with her audience.

Kia’s Instagram journey goes beyond what one may expect from a traditional influencer. While her fashion photos shape trends and redefine style, her Instagram narrative unfolds like a digital tapestry, tracing her growth as a content creator. From elegant photoshoots to candid situations, Kia has perfected the art of displaying a multifaceted personality in the digital world.

“Unveiling Kia’s Charm: A Style Icon on Instagram”

Kia’s Instagram aesthetic is more than simply fashion; it’s a visual spectacle. Each article is thoughtfully constructed, capturing not only the essence of the outfit but also the tone and atmosphere in which it exists. Kia’s style is elevated to a visual tale that communicates with the audience through the dynamic use of colors, compositions, and situations.

Kia’s collaborations with businesses and other influencers are more than just partnerships; they enhance the digital glam experience for her followers. From sponsored fashion postings to beauty product promos, Kia expertly incorporates commercial collaborations into her content while retaining the honesty that distinguishes her digital presence.

Instagram reel- 40k – 90k

Instagram story- 30k- 80k

Instagram static- 30k – 80k

Instagram carousel- 25k – 70k

Let’s Collaborate with Kia Gupta


Trivia or Amazing Facts About Kia Gupta

  • She makes most of her videos alone.
  • She loves to act.
  • She started her Instagram influencer journey in 2021.