Idiotic Media | How much do Neeti and Ramandeep Singh charge for One Instagram Post?

How much do Neeti and Ramandeep Singh charge for One Instagram Post?

The dynamic combo Neeti and Ramandeep Singh who are well-known for their hilarious couple comedies, have gained massive popularity on Instagram. Their distinct combination of comedy, genuineness, and relatable pranks has won them a devoted fan base and many giggles from people all over the globe.

Their foray into humor came naturally to them as they realized how to make each other laugh in ordinary settings. Equipped with a fun mood and a camera, they began to record their humorous exchanges and interactions and shared them with the world on their Instagram account, “neetiandraman.”

From LOL to ROFL: Exploring the Side-Splitting Comedy of Ramandeep Singh and Neeti

Their capacity to discover humor in everyday situations is what distinguishes Ramandeep and Neeti from one another. Whether they’re joking around with one other’s oddities, overcoming the difficulties of daily tasks, or hilariously reliving typical marital situations, their comedy reels resonate with viewers who value their sincere and approachable style.

However, Ramandeep and Neeti’s genuineness together is what really sets them apart. Their chemistry and friendship comes through, even though their humor may be exaggerated for entertainment value, and they manage to establish a charming bond with their audience. Audiences who recognize themselves in their comedy are drawn to their ability to laugh at themselves and their bond.

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In addition to serving as a venue for entertainment, their Instagram page fosters a community where fans congregate to laugh and support one another. Viewers express their gratitude for the happiness Ramandeep and Neeti bring to their life through comments, shares, and messages, fostering a sense of community and belonging in the digital sphere.

With their comedic reels, Ramandeep Singh and Neeti never cease to make people laugh and feel good about themselves. Their Instagram presence is a living example of the strength of genuineness, love, and laughter. Their account is a must-follow for never-ending giggles and smiles, whether you’re in need of a pick-me-up, a dose of relatable humor, or just a reminder to cherish the moments of joy in life.

Instagram reel- 40k-90k

Instagram story- 30k- 80k

Instagram static- 30k-80k

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