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Influencer Marketing Division

At Idiotic Media, we work with you to build your brand from scratch or give it the push it needs, engaging with the maximum number of audience.

Varun Sood

Rits Badiani

Ashish Chanchlani

Dhanashree Verma

Arjun Bijlani

Influencer Campaigns For 200+ Brands

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Services What We Do

Instagram Influencer Marketing

Influencers of varied niches on Instagram will promote your brand creatively & build trust and credibility, through static posts, videos, Stories & Reels

YouTube Influencer Marketing

Creative brand integrations and dedicated videos, with relevant influencers to inform the audience about your products and services

Celebrity Endorsements

Get influential faces on-board to promote your brand in their unique style

Meme Marketing

Promote your brand in the most unique and quirky ways through influential meme pages

Content Amplification

Executing creative strategies and ideas that are relevant to your brand and relatable to your audience.

On-Demand UGC Creation

Establishing the reliability of your brand by curating video content, for the potential users and audience

Let’s Collaborate & Influence! Our effective and efficient marketing campaigns will prop up your brand in the digital marketing landscape