Idiotic Media | How much does Prasanna Ghimire charge for one Instagram post?

How much does Prasanna Ghimire charge for one Instagram post?

Step into Prasanna Ghimire’s dynamic realm, where each step celebrates movement and effect. Prasanna, a dancer, influencer, and Instagram sensation has carved out a digital niche for herself by engaging viewers with stunning performances and content.

Prasanna Ghimire discovered her passion for dancing at a young age and developed her skills through devotion and hard work. She has emerged as one of the most talented performers in the profession. Prasanna has not only created a name for herself on stage, but she has also used social media platforms such as Instagram to showcase her talent to the globe.

Prasanna Ghimire: Dancing Through Life on Instagram

Prasanna Ghimire, a dancing maestro on Instagram, captivates viewers with her natural elegance and flawless technique. Whether she’s doing classical routines, modern choreography, or inventive fusion pieces, Prasanna’s love of dance is evident in every motion.

With a large Instagram following, Prasanna uses her platform to encourage and motivate others via her artwork and optimism. Prasanna’s influence reaches far beyond the dance floor, touching the hearts of her fans and building a sense of community and connection. She shares dancing tutorials, motivational messages, and behind-the-scenes views of her life.

In Step with Prasanna Ghimire: A Dance Journey in the Digital Age

Prasanna’s effect is apparent, whether she is being recognized for her spectacular performances, thanked for encouraging others with her material, or praised for her sincerity and charisma. Her ability to promote joy and positivity through her art and impact reflects her passion and dedication.

Whether she’s capturing audiences with her dazzling performances or motivating people via her influence, Prasanna’s Instagram presence exemplifies the transformational power of dance and impact. So, the next time you need a boost of energy and inspiration, look no further than Prasanna Ghimire.

Instagram reel- 40k – 90k

Instagram story- 30k- 80k

Instagram static- 30k – 80k

Instagram carousel- 25k – 70k

Let’s Collaborate with Prasanna Ghimire


Trivia or Amazing Facts About Prasanna Ghimire

  • She makes most of her videos alone. 
  • She loves to travel.
  • She is also a fashion enthusiast.