Idiotic Media | How much does Ashish Kaushik charge for one Instagram post?

How much does Ashish Kaushik charge for one Instagram post?

A talented cinematographer with an eye for detail, Ashish has dedicated his craft to promoting the rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes of Bihar. Through his stunning videos, he not only captures the essence of this often-overlooked region but also encourages tourism and a deeper appreciation for its unique beauty.

Ashish Kaushik’s work is a testament to the power of visual storytelling in promoting tourism and cultural appreciation. Through his Instagram profile, he shares beautifully crafted videos that capture the essence of Bihar. Each video is a journey, showcasing everything from the majestic landscapes to the vibrant festivals and historical landmarks that define the region.

“Bihar through the Lens: The Cinematic Art of Ashish Kaushik”

His approach to cinematography is both artistic and strategic. Ashish carefully plans each shoot, selecting locations that best represent Bihar’s diverse attractions. His videos often feature sweeping aerial shots, detailed close-ups, and dynamic transitions that bring the scenes to life. By combining technical expertise with a genuine passion for his subject, Ashish creates content that is not only visually stunning but also deeply engaging.

Ashish’s work has garnered widespread praise from viewers and industry professionals alike. His ability to capture the beauty of Bihar in a way that resonates with a global audience has earned him a dedicated following on Instagram. Many viewers have expressed their appreciation for how his videos provide a fresh perspective on a region that is often overlooked in mainstream media.

“The Cinematic Ambassador: Ashish Kaushik’s Role in Boosting Bihar Tourism”

The impact of Ashish’s work extends beyond social media. His videos have inspired many to explore Bihar, contributing to a growing interest in tourism. Local businesses and tourism boards have also recognized the value of his work, leading to collaborations that further promote the region. Ashish’s efforts have not only highlighted Bihar’s beauty but also created economic opportunities and fostered a sense of pride among its residents.

Ashish’s work is deeply rooted in his personal connection to Bihar. For him, cinematography is not just a profession but a way to give back to his community. By showcasing the beauty and cultural richness of his home state, he hopes to change perceptions and encourage more people to visit and appreciate Bihar.

Instagram reel- 40k – 90k

Instagram story- 30k- 80k

Instagram static- 30k – 80k

Instagram carousel- 25k – 70k

Let’s Collaborate with Ashish Kaushik


Trivia or Amazing Facts About Ashish Kaushik

  • He makes most of his videos alone.
  • He loves to travel.
  • He also got a chance to attend a session with the Finance department of Govt. of Bihar.