Idiotic Media | How much does Anvita Dixit charges to post on Youtube ?

How much does Anvita Dixit charges to post on Youtube ?

In the digital age, Yogic Gurukul shines as a ray of calm when the noise of everyday existence frequently drowns out our inner serenity. Under the direction of the visionary Anvita Dixit, this virtual refuge infuses the ageless knowledge of yoga into our modern life. Anvita provides an all-encompassing experience rooted in Indian culture and classical Yoga philosophy through a rich tapestry of videos and daily sessions. Her goal is to offer a holistic yoga practice by exploring the Yoga Sutras and the ancient Shad-Darshana, going beyond simple physical practice. Yogic Gurukul also incorporates aspects of the Natya-Shastra while examining dancing, acting, and singing through a Yogic lens. 

Yoga, Philosophy, and Spirituality – An Immersive Journey

Since she was a little child, Anvita Dixit has studied and practiced yoga. Her father is the director of the Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institution in Mumbai, where she was raised. She was therefore exposed to classical yoga at a very young age, and she pursued a wide range of studies, culminating in a high school yoga championship, a diploma in yoga education from Kaivalyadhama, teaching abroad in London, and a position as the yoga lead for digital content at

Anvita Dixit is not only a yoga instructor but also a cultural ambassador, a spiritual mentor, and a trailblazer in the fields of holistic wellness and yoga. She has carved out a special place for herself in the wide realm of creating digital material since she is passionate about fusing traditional Yoga with modern practices. Yogic Gurukul, her platform, is evidence of her commitment to reintroducing traditional wisdom to the contemporary world.

Anvita Dixit :The Digital Sage Bringing Classical Yoga to Modern Times

Anvita’s creation, Yogic Gurukul, is a virtual environment where philosophy, spirituality, and yoga collide. With a focus on traditional Yoga teachings, the channel provides a wealth of resources, such as daily lessons, philosophical talks, and yoga tutorials. Anvita’s method focuses on comprehending the deeper facets of yoga, such as its philosophical foundations and practical applications, rather than merely the physical poses.

Anvita was drawn to spirituality and philosophy from an early age, and she eventually started her journey into the realm of yoga. Her interest in Indian spirituality and culture prompted her to study several schools of yoga and philosophy, which she then incorporated into her teaching techniques. Her training in yoga and Indian philosophy has given her a deep understanding of the subject, which enables her to impart knowledge in a genuine and insightful manner.

This is what Anvita Dixit charges to post a brand collaboration on Youtube

Shorts– 8-10k
Dedicated Brand Video– 30k-40k
Integrated Brand Video– 10k-20k

Let’s Collaborate with Anvita Dixit


Trivia or Amazing facts about Anvita Dixit 

She has pursued her education in yoga from Kaivalyadhama.

She is the founder  of @yogic.gurukul