How much does Aashish Solanki charges to post on Youtube ?
Aashish Solanki, who has over 1.01 million YouTube subscribers, has distinguished himself in the comedy industry with his honest, approachable humor. Aashish, the winner of Comicstaan Season 3, won over the hearts of the viewers with his straightforward yet entertaining storytelling style. His comedic style, which makes even the most ordinary observations laugh out loud, is relatable to a broad audience, regardless of whether he is narrating imagined stories or pulling from real-life situations. Aashish stands out in an industry where edgy content is frequently the norm thanks to his ability to write jokes that are both funny and clean. He can appeal to audiences of all ages thanks to his distinct comedic approach, all without compromising the caliber or impact of his humor.
Aashish Solanki: The Rising Star of Clean Comedy
Aashish Solanki’s distinct style of humor and accessible storytelling are helping him quickly establish himself as a household brand in the Indian comedy scene. His journey from wannabe comic to Comicstaan Season 3 champion is truly inspirational, demonstrating his commitment, skill, and capacity for emotionally engaging audiences. Aashish distinguishes out in a profession that is generally characterized by edgy or controversial humor with his clean comedy that connects with a wide range of people, winning over admirers of all ages.
Aashish’s big break came when he chose to try out for Comicstaan, an Indian comedy competition that has helped many well-known comedians launch their careers. Comicstaan is renowned for its stringent selection procedures, in which candidates are assessed on both their comic skill and their versatility across many comedy genres and forms. The program gives up-and-coming comedians a chance to perform for a national audience, and taking first place in the competition is seen as a noteworthy accomplishment in the comedy industry.
The Road to Comicstaan
Aashish had an absolutely amazing journey on Comicstaan. His witty, clean humor and his ability to tell stories that were both funny and thought-provoking won over the judges and audience from the start. Aashish stood out from his rivals because of his distinct outlook on daily life. When Aashish talked about his family, his youth, or the peculiarities of Indian society, his humor was always grounded in reality, which made it simple for others to relate to him.
Aashish Solanki’s progression from an unproven comic appearing at open mics to the victor of Comicstaan Season 3 is evidence of his skill, diligence, and commitment to his trade. In addition to differentiating him from his contemporaries, his dedication to clean comedy has won him the respect and a devoted following within the comic world. With his career still advancing, Aashish Solanki will undoubtedly make a lasting impression on the comedy scene in India and abroad.
This is what Aashish Solanki charges to post a brand collaboration on Youtube
Shorts– 20k-30k
Dedicated Brand Video– 50k-60k
Integrated Brand Video– 30k-40k
Trivia or Amazing facts about Aashish Solanki
He is the winner of Comicstan Season 3
He has achieved his silver and gold playbutton from youtube .